Astrophotography Tutorials

It’s no secret that astrophotography tutorials are needed by all of us sometimes. Astrophotography is a complicated hobby. Editing astrophotography images is unlike editing normal images. Setting up the equipment is different, and it’s almost a science in its own right.

One thing I’m passionate about is teaching and passing on skills and knowledge. So here you will find links to astrophotography tutorials ranging from setting up equipment, using special software for stacking, and how to edit images in popular software such as Photoshop, Affinity Photo and GIMP.

Astrophotography Tutorials Menu

Photoshop Editing Tutorials

Photoshop True Colour Moon Editing Tutorial

A True Colour Moon is an editing style where we boost the colours of Lunar photography. If you’ve taken images of the Moon with a colour camera, even if it looks grey or monochrome. There will be colour there. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how we can boost those colours from the start with your data, to the end result ready for sharing.

Recorded & uploaded: 17/09/2016

How To Edit Andromeda With Photoshop

Andromeda is one of, if not the most popular galaxy in the skies. In this tutorial I will show you how I edit M32 using Photoshop. However these techniques will be useful for any galaxy you plan on editing.

Uploaded: 20/01/2021

Editing Nebula With Photoshop

Editing a nebula is probably where we all start. In this tutorial I’ll take you through editing the supplied data to get a finished product. The image is already stacked and I will walk you through so many techniques and tools you’ll need. By the end of this, you’ll be ready to tackle any nebula project.

Uploaded: 11/10/2019

How To Edit Narrowband Hydrogen-Alpha Images

Narrowband imagery is a very popular style of imaging. It’s typically used with a Hydrogen-Alpha filter. So in this tutorial I walk you through how to edit these unique types of images you can take. And how you can incorporate them into your other images to add huge bursts of detail.

Uploaded: 27/01/2021

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Affinity Photo Editing Tutorials

Affinity Photo Nebula Editing Tutorial

Editing a nebula is probably where we all start. In this tutorial I’ll take you through editing the supplied data to get a finished product. The image is already stacked and I will walk you through so many techniques and tools you’ll need. By the end of this, you’ll be ready to tackle any nebula project.

Uploaded: 06/06/2020

Editing Hydrogen-Alpha Images

Narrowband imagery is a very popular style of imaging. It’s typically used with a Hydrogen-Alpha filter. So in this tutorial I walk you through how to edit these unique types of images you can take. And how you can incorporate them into your other images to add huge bursts of detail.

Uploaded: 10/02/2021

How To Reduce Star Sizes

Reducing star sizes is an advanced technique you can apply towards the end of your editing routine. The benefit of reducing star sizes is reducing the overall distractions from the image. Therefore allowing your Deep Sky object to really pop out.

Uploaded: 02/02/2021

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GIMP Editing Tutorials

GIMP Colour Moon Astrophotography Tutorial

A True Colour Moon is an editing style where we boost the colours of Lunar photography. If you’ve taken images of the Moon with a colour camera, even if it looks grey or monochrome. There will be colour there. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how we can boost those colours from the start with your data.

Uploaded: 14/08/2022

GIMP Astrophotography Nebula Editing Tutorial

Editing a nebula is probably where we all start. In this tutorial I’ll take you through editing the supplied data to get a finished product. The image is already stacked and I will walk you through so many techniques and tools you’ll need. By the end of this, you’ll be ready to tackle any nebula project.

Uploaded: 20/11/2019

How To Reduce Star Sizes With GIMP

Reducing star sizes is an advanced technique you can apply towards the end of your editing routine. The benefit of reducing star sizes is reducing the overall distractions from the image. Therefore allowing your Deep Sky object to really pop out.

Uploaded: 08/07/2020

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Equipment Tutorials

How To Clean Telescope Optics

Cleaning telescope optics, whether they’re mirrors or lenses, need not be intimidating or difficult. In this tutorial I’ll show you step by step how to use basic cleaning supplies to keep your optics in peak condition.

Uploaded: 20/06/2020

Sky-Watcher HEQ5 Rowan Belt Modification

In what was my first video for AstroFarsography, I’ll take you through the steps to modify a Sky-Watcher HEQ5 Pro mount from its gears to having a Rowan Belt Modification on.

Uploaded: 27/12/2018

How To Set The Equatorial Home Position

The equatorial home position is a vital position to learn. It’s the iconic stance your German or Chinese equatorial mount (GEM/CEM) will sit in. In this short video, I’ll walk you through the steps and the only tool you need is a spirit level.

Uploaded: 08/11/2020

How To Take Flat Frames

Flat frames are often overlooked at first for being a bit of a faff to do. But they need not be difficult, and they have a very large benefit to your overall image quality also. Getting used to taking flats early on will give good habits going forwards.

Uploaded: 16/11/2020

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Software Tutorials

A Beginner’s Guide To Deep Sky Stacker

Deep Sky Stacker is a vital, and free, piece of software for the astrophotographer. It’s used to stack all your light frames and calibration frames into a finished product ready for editing. In this tutorial I’ll walk you through ever step in using this essential software, with no assumptions of prior knowledge on how to use Deep Sky Stacker.

Uploaded: 06/03/2022

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Technical Explanations

Deep Sky Astrophotography With CMOS Cameras by Dr Robin Glover

Dr Glover is the author of the famous and useful software SharpCap. Not only is SharpCap basically free with a small cost for additional features. It’s capable of planetary photography and more. In this lecture from the Practical Astronomy Show 2019, Dr Glover delves into great detail on picking exposure lengths, gain, and judging light pollution. It’s a must-watch for all astrophotographers.

Uploaded: 12/03/2019

How To Do High Res Planetary Photography By Damian Peach

Renown planetary photographer Damian Peach gives a lecture on how to carry out and conduct high resolution planetary photography. Shot at the Practical Astronomy Show 2019, Damian goes into detail on atmosphere, correctors and caring for the telescope. Right up to editing software and even travelling with your telescopes to better skies.

Uploaded: 12/03/2019

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