
Looking for something specific? Within here, you can find links to all the content here. From my reviews, The Night Sky series, videos and my tutorials.

The Night Sky

The Night Sky is my curated monthly series for the Northern Hemisphere. To give you some ideas of what to image. I select these for a variety of popular focal lengths and also give you variations depending on what camera you may be using.

The Night Sky

Astrophotography Equipment Reviews

Astrophotography Equipment is, to be blunt, expensive. It’s quite pricy for all elements, even down to basic adapters. So shopping around, checking reviews and opinions and doing research is important before a purchase. Feel free to find links to all my reviews here.

Astrophotography Equipment Reviews


Want some help setting something up? Stacking images? Or editing your astrophotography? I publish reviews for software such as Photoshop, Affinity Photo and GIMP. As well as DeepSkyStacker and more. Find all my reviews here.

Astrophotography Tutorials


I enjoy creating videos. My videos are all about the hobby. Be it tutorials, reviews, technical information or Vlogs with me out there doing astrophotography and using the equipment. I enjoy talking through my thought processes and what I’m doing so hopefully you can find them either entertaining or informative.

Astrophotography Videos